Ab Lounge Sport for $79.99

More effective than standard sit-ups or bent knee crunches, the Ab Lounge Sport delivers an effective ab workout for people of all fitness levels. The Ab Lounge Sport is designed to tighten and tone your upper abs, lower abs, and obliques faster than you ever thought possible, with an advanced jackknife design that's far more efficient than traditional ab exercises. The jackknife design works your ab muscles with a complete range of motion, toning and tightening your abs for long periods during each jackknife rep. As a result, the chair elicits more muscle activity in your upper and lower abdominals, helping transform flabby abs and love handles into a sensationally sexy swimsuit stomach.

Posted 13 years ago
Tags: diet-fitness
Categories: Diet & Fitness
Ab Lounge Sport
$79.99 $129.99


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