Blazer 4820 Ultrasonic Cleaner with Heater for $88.57

The Blazer 4820 ultrasonic cleaner has a 5.5-pint liquid capacity, built-in heater, and removable plastic basket. It is used to clean small parts such as medical and dental lab supplies, fasteners, laboratory items, jewelry, optical wear and other fragile items. The 4820 has a stainless steel tank for durability and a removable inner plastic basket for ease of use. It features a built-in heater to facilitate drying speed. It has five preset, precise cleaning time modes of 90/180/280/380 /480 seconds per cycle, activated with a one-touch button control. It has a digital timer display, helpful in low-light viewing. The ultrasonic transducer frequency measures 42,000 Hz, which means that 42,000 ultrasonic sound wave cycles are produced per second. For safety purposes, it houses an isolated circuit design, keeping water away from the electrical system.

Posted 13 years ago
Categories: Home appliances
Blazer 4820 Ultrasonic Cleaner with Heater
$88.57 $139.95


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