Bushnell Velocity Speed Gun (Colors may vary) for $78.48

Knowing how fast a player pitches or runs can instantly influence a coaching decision. Enter the Bushnell Velocity speed gun, which tells you the speed of an object within plus-or-minus 1 mile per hour. The Bushnell Velocity is outfitted with digital signal processing technology, which can measure the speed of a baseball from up to 90 feet, or a moving vehicle from as far as 1,500 feet. As a result, it's a breeze to take a player's 40 time or measure the speed of a tennis serve. The Velocity is also a breeze to use, with a point-and-shoot pistol grip that displays the fastest speed timed once the trigger is released.

Posted 13 years ago
Tags: automotive
Categories: Automotive
Bushnell Velocity Speed Gun (Colors may vary)
$78.48 $142.95


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