Elizabeth Double Feature (Elizabeth / Elizabeth: The Golden Age) [Blu-ray] for $10.99

One of the big Elizabethan-era films of 1998, Shekhar Kapur's Elizabeth serves up a brimming goblet of religious tension, political conspiracy, sex, violence, and war. England in 1554 is in financial and religious turmoil as the ailing Queen "Bloody" Mary attempts to restore Catholicism as the national faith. She has no heir, and her greatest fear--that her Protestant half-sister Elizabeth will assume the throne after her death--is realized. Still, the late Queen Mary has her loyalists. The newly crowned Elizabeth finds herself knee-deep in dethroning schemes while also dodging assassination attempts.

Posted 13 years ago
Tags: movies-music
Categories: Movies & Music
Elizabeth Double Feature (Elizabeth / Elizabeth: The Golden Age) [Blu-ray]
$10.99 $26.98


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