Koolatron RBSS-55 55-Gallon Rain Barrel with Sandstone Finish for $90.96

Place this beautiful rain barrel out in the open or under a downspout to catch rain and runoff for later use. A convincing sandstone finish makes this bombproof rain barrel nearly as tough as stone; and combines the elegance of authentic stone with the enduring longevity UV resistant plastic. The barrel is manufactured using a rotational molding process and is able to withstand extreme temperatures, years of sun, and cold. A corrosion-proof brass spigot is elevated just enough for filling watering cans, and features a threaded opening for attaching garden and soaker hoses.

Posted 13 years ago
Categories: Home Improvement
Koolatron RBSS-55 55-Gallon Rain Barrel with Sandstone Finish
$90.96 $200.00


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