Soiree Decanter & Aerator In-bottle Wine Aerator w/ Luxury Travel Case for $39.95

Soiree is a glass in bottle aerator. It is the only true wine aerator that is made of glass, and further it is handmade. Soiree differs from all other wine aerator because it infuses oxygen in to wine gently and naturally. Soiree harnesses oxygen & gravity to delicately open-up wine. Soiree can be used on Red & White wines. The Soiree L/S comes packaged in a custom fit travel case featuring hidden magnetic snaps and a full zippered enclosure for extra security. This high-end version of the regular Soiree is designed for the social and sporty wine lover or Gourmet on-the-go!

Posted 13 years ago
Tags: wine-spirits
Categories: Wine & Spirits
Soiree Decanter & Aerator In-bottle Wine Aerator w/ Luxury Travel Case
$39.95 $59.95


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