Sublime Imprint Anti-Fatigue Nantucket Series Comfort Mat for $46.90

Has cooking become a drag from standing on a hard floor Knees aching from kneeling on tile to bathe your toddler Thinking of throwing in the towel because of pain from standing to fold clothes Sublime comes to the rescue with their anti-fatigue comfort mats. Sublime's Imprint anti-fatigue comfort mats offer a solution to a problem for homeowners who stand in front of their kitchen sinks, stoves, and washers/dryers. Imprint anti-fatigue comfort mats bring cushion to everywhere you stand and actually help relieve foot and back discomfort.

Posted 13 years ago
Categories: Home Improvement
Sublime Imprint Anti-Fatigue Nantucket Series Comfort Mat
$46.90 $99.99


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