The Cider House Rules [Blu-ray] for $6.99

essential video In adapting his own novel The Cider House Rules for the screen, John Irving sacrificed at least some of the depth and detail that made his humanitarian themes resonate, while the film--directed with Scandinavian sobriety by Lasse Hallström--is often vague about the complex issues (abortion, incest, responsibility) that lie at its core. Allowing for this ambiguity (which is arguably intentional), the film retains much of what made Irving's novel so admired, and like Hallström's earlier feature What's Eating Gilbert Grape, it's blessed with a generous, forgiving spirit toward the mistakes, foibles, and desires of its many engaging characters.

Posted 13 years ago
Tags: movies-music
Categories: Movies & Music
The Cider House Rules [Blu-ray]
$6.99 $14.99


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